Analyzing Open-Ended Survey Questions with MAXQDA


Analyzing Open-Ended Survey Questions with MAXQDA
  • Authors: Stefan Rädiker, Udo Kuckartz
  • Released: April 23, 2020
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-3-948768027
  • DOI: 10.36192/978-3-948768027
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This guide describes a procedure for analyzing responses to open survey questions with MAXQDA. The procedure does not consider the open-ended questions in isolation from the other data collected, but rather interlinks this qualitative data with the standardized, quantitative data in the sense of a mixed methods approach. The procedure consists of three steps:

1. within-case and cross-case exploration
2. coding the answers
3. category-based analysis

The procedure combines qualitative and quantitative data as well as word-based and category-based procedures and is demonstrated by an example of a mixed methods evaluation of a university course with an online survey. Following this approach, the information on an individual case is always accessible and can be included in a cross-case analysis.

Stefan Rädiker

Dr. Stefan Rädiker is a consultant and trainer for research methods and evaluation (

Udo Kuckartz

Dr. Udo Kuckartz is a Professor Emeritus of Methods of Social Research in Education at the Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany.