About MAXQDA Press
Welcome to MAXQDA Press, the publishing arm of VERBI Software GmbH. In spring 2020 we started to publish relevant textbooks and guides about computer-aided research with qualitative and mixed methods data. Our authors are renowned, acknowledged experts and researchers in the field of qualitative research and analysis.
MAXQDA Press will feature various exclusive book and guide series – stay tuned!
Why MAXQDA Press?
Authors who write software-related textbooks and guides, and readers who want to obtain current literature are both confronted with two major obstacles: A considerable time gap between manuscript completion and publication, and often a significant price increase.
We meet these two challenges with MAXQDA Press. All publications are available for download free of charge and are published promptly after completion of the manuscript. However, the time of the printed book is not over- if you like, our cooperation with Books on Demand will in the near future allow you to purchase the printed version of the book of your choice quickly and inexpensively.